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Is this event in-person or virtual?
Is there a registration link for this in-person event?
If you have yet to setup a link for this event but anticipate doing so, please select "Yes" as your reponse.
Is there a registration link for this virtual event?
If you have yet to setup a link for this event but anticipate doing so, please select "Yes" as your reponse.
Area Associated with Event *
Will this event have a guest speaker? *
Have you completed the event parking request?
If not, you must complete a Parking Request form now at business.fsu.edu/parking *
Is the speaker a College of Business graduate? *
Who is the audience for this event? (Select all that apply) *
This email address will receive a confirmation email once this form has been submitted.
Is there a social media hashtag for this event?
Would you like to request publicity for this event from the Marketing & Communications Team? *
Would you like to meet with the social media coordinator? *
Would you like to request event support for this event from the Event Management Team? *
Events will reach out to you within 2 business days of requesting support. Please complete this intake form to allow them to best prepare to accommodate your request:
If you’re holding an in-person event, would you like to request recording support for this event from the Academic Technology Team? *